Student UnEssays
Jump to: Undergraduate | Graduate
Below is a number of UnEssays produced by my students as final creative projects for their undergraduate or graduate course with me (shared with their permission). In their UnEssays, students were free to choose one or more concepts, theories, or pedagogies learned in the course, and to explore, expand on or probe them in the modality of their choice; the UnEssay is thus used in my courses to free my students from the restrictions of conventional academic writing all the while allowing them to intellectually engage with our course readings and materials using their full plurilingual and semiotic repertoires.
The UnEssays are shared to be viewed as examples, and you are not permitted to download, redistribute, and/or reproduce them partially or entirely.
Undergraduate work
Comic strips on linguistics counter-narratives
Spoken word poetry about plurilingual identity and translanguaging practices
by Danielle Foster
Play the spoken-word poetry in the audio box to the left.
You can also listen to the audio-recording here.
Read the transcript here.
YouTube video resource on plurilingualism
by So-Young Chung
Watch the UnEssay in the video to the left.
Digital board game on SLA concepts
by Stephanie Bruno, Christopher Di Chiaro, Amelia Iatros, & Sima Meghdadi
Podcast episode on language learning anxiety
Podcast episode on language learning anxiety
Resource website on the research and pedagogical implications of Critical Period Hypothesis
by Tatiana Evangelista
View full website here: https://sites.google.com/view/unessay-tatiana-evangelista/home
Graduate work
Feature article on young French learners' language learning trajectories

Video collage on a French language teacher's reflection on their French learner/teacher identity-making
by Lauren Lawlor
Click on the video box to the left to view the UnEssay.
A gamified language task focused on writing

A mini plurilingual guide for language teacher
by Marie-Pierre Arsenault
Read the UnEssay here.
View task 1 here: Les couleurs.
View Task 2 here: La communication non-verbale.
Podcast series on myths and misconceptions about second language learning and teaching