Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/plurilinguallab/
Location: Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University
Plurilingual Lab's Welcome page:
Plurilingual Lab is a research laboratory that conducts research in the areas below:
plurilingualism, multilingualism and bilingualism
plurilingual and pluricultural competence (PPC)
mixed methods research
classroom-based research
ethnography and action research
quasi-experimental and experimental research
qualitative research
cognition and emotion in second language learning
translanguaging, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural comparisons, translingualism
innovative second language curriculum, teaching and learning
effects of language pedagogy on dimensions of language learning
social justice among minoritized student populations (immigrants, newcomers, international students,
speakers of non-official languages, populations in situation of refuge) -
drama/theatre in second language learning
writing in English as a second language
literacies and multiliteracies in second language learning
pronunciation teaching to multilingual students
second language teacher education and teacher training
teaching English as a second language (TESL, TESOL, TEFL)
Website: http://bild-lida.ca
Location: Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University
Belonging, Identity, Language, Diversity Research Group (BILD)/Groupe de recherche langage, identite diversité, appartenance (LIDA)
BILD/LIDA's About page:
The BILD group was founded at McGill University in 2013, and is made up of current and former graduate students and faculty members in Education. We share a common interest in researching issues of belonging, identity, language, and diversity from a critical sociolinguistics perspective. Many of us have done or are doing research that directly relates to Montréal’s complex sociolinguistic dynamic. In contrast to theories that view language as monolithic, discrete, and measurable, we take the view that language is a social practice. Fundamentally, we believe that the study of language cannot be separated from individuals’ lived experiences. The purpose of the BILD group is multidimensional: Within our group, we provide opportunities for peer support, collaboration, and dialogue about the issues that are of interest to us. Looking outward, we seek to foster dialogue within our faculty, the university, and the international sociolinguistics community. Some of our major accomplishments have included: founding the BILD/LIDA blog, establishing a social media presence, organizing and hosting symposia, doing conference presentations, and holding a Speaker Series (invited talks from visiting scholars). In 2017, we launched our newest project: the Journal of BILD/Revue de LIDA.
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics / Association canadienne de linguistique appliquée (CAAL/ACLA)
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers / Association canadienne des professeures de langue seconde (CASLT/ACPLS)
Société pour le perfectionnement de l’enseignement de l’anglais, langue seconde, au Québec (SPEAQ)